sMoneybox - free home accounting
sMoneybox as the best app for spráívu of personal výdai
Railsformers Ltd. has developed a practical app for the spávu of personal finance.In the currenté times, when the economy of the stateá is rather unstableá and unproductiveá, the management of oneá s personalá financesá is somethingá that is needed moreá and many peopleá are looking forá ways to manageá them effectively. This does not require complex economic theories. Sometimes it is enough to use simple means to achieve better results. The principle of the online application sMoneybox is based on this theory. It is a smart, simpleý and easyý to useý online ná machine forá personalá financeá. Registration is anonymousá and useá is free.
The main attributes of the app include: unlimitedý access to theý known vý data at anyý day and time and from anywhere, theý systemý is notý hungý on theý usedý webý browser, the user registers only withý email and password, the application can be used in allý languages, it is free, it is clear for the untrained user, it contains a calendar of events and can be classified into individual categories.
With theét app'sét operation, it's far easier toét control what's happening onét their personalét reads. Smallé and regularé fixedé ná errors can be documented, whiché weé musté alwaysé keep in mind, so that we do not get into problemsé as a result of other&scaron& ´ mý payments. The sMoneybox is primarily aimed at recordingánáná výdations and their threeádations so that a list is created and tám more clearlyádád the výdations themselves. Of course, theá balances of theá accounts are processed to assess theá overallá financialá situation for eachá month.
Theý registrationý process is very simple. It automatically detects yourši location and the type of currency in whiché youést youré personalé finances. It should be noted that it is available in many languages. To get started, it pays to create categories for each of the items that will be added in the future (e.g. payments, services, debts, loans, etc.).
Someý doný need more than just a spreadsheet to manage theirý assets and vý gives, but for those whoý needý moreý help, theý solutioný thatý hasý been&acquired&with&Moneybox will be a great support.
sMoneybox is a free online application that aims to help you control the flow of your money in your home. The biggestý advantage of thisé app is that the user doesné té have to download anyé software thaté would facilitate access to thisé app. You just need to remember the username and password that was used to log in.
The Web, on which the application is um´wall, contains a security certificate, which is used to protect personal údata and uploaded údata. With sMoneybox, you can use graphical statistical reports to quickly and easily identify who in your family has spent more money and on what. You can easily export the data from the graph to a spreadsheet.
In theýarmyá of thisúamazeé ná machine offersá soé desktopé application. This makes it easy to adapt the Moneybox machines to the specific requirements of each user.
Among the most important features that sMoneybox offers are: Documentation in anyé currency, severalá dateá formats and languages, allá optionsá for profile editing, pointá byá pointá rating, splitá financials´ into categories´, information about the´ events and vý dates´ different filter settings´ and the ability to download data from charts and Excel files. The web platform has a forum where you can change your questions or report problems with the application.
The app on itsýwebýpageságuarantees that úgives uploadedéin are protected in accordance with the applicable security standards using the COMODO EV SSL quality certificate, which helps to prevent identity theft and provides protection against phishing and other fraud in the online world.