Railsformers supports the training of its employees

In our company, we know that you can never have enough regular training and education, and in the IT industry this is doubly true! The IT and online world is one of the most dynamic industries ever, so it's essential to constantly educate yourself and keep up to date with developments. We at Railsformers are fully aware of this and have therefore once again taken part in a project called "Corporate Training at Railsformers - OPZ 97" which fully supports the continuous training of our employees. And not only in specialized IT areas, but also in soft and managerial skills.

We have therefore once again taken the opportunity to take the experience and knowledge of our employees one step further and focus on the next phase of training, specifically in the area of soft and managerial skills. We are very pleased that the European Union is helping us to finance this project under the Operational Programme Employment. The main objective of the project is to increase the level of knowledge and skills of employees and to ensure that their qualifications and competences are in line with the requirements of the work activities performed.

By developing the skills, knowledge and experience of our employees, we gain a significant competitive advantage and are able to provide quality, reliable and sophisticated services and solutions. At the same time, this experience is positively returned to us in the form of feedback from our employees, which is also very important.