IoT Workshop Krakow

On December 14, 2016, our company again participated in a workshop on IoT (Internet of Things). The workshop was held in Krakow and the company could not miss it!

Tématics IoT nás very interesting and after krásném 2nd place in the Czech Summer IoT , itás directed themáte to moreáhorses and to improveáon této issues. IoT has made its presence known, and this time the conference was held in Cracow, in Hubraum. Hubraum is an incubátor, supported by T-Mobile (acceleratorátor). The incubátor dává space for projects to grow. It provides space for new companies from Central and Eastern Europe.


The focusástí of the workshop was soá práce with the analyticalámachine Microsoft Azure (cloudá services platform). The platform is opená and flexible. It supports technologies trusted by millions of military and IT professionals. Integrated machines, pre-built &scaroné &scaroné ablons and managementé services make it easier to build and manage the enterprise, mobile´ web and Internet of Things (IoT) faster.

Workshop was once again an opportunity to reálly tryáet a development kit from Intel. Overall, an overview of the complete IoT architecture was presented - including sensors, gateways, edge analytics and the Azure cloud platform.

The workshop focused on práci with:

  • Intel IoT Gateway Developer Hub
  • Helix Device Cloud
  • MQTT Protocol
  • Node-RED, data filtering, automation
  • Microsoft - data analytics on Azure platform
  • Security