Heureka and Zboží.cz vs. GDPR: What will change?

The new data protection regulation will also affect shopping portals Heureka or Zboží.cz. The former is going to make changes especially in the Heureka Basket service, while the latter is going to modify services related to the evaluation of e-shops.

If you use the so-called shopping guides like Heureka or Zboží.cz for your business, be prepared for the fact that the General Data Protection Regulation coming into force in May will have an impact on these servers as well. What it is, we have summarized in the following lines.

What impact will GDPR have on Heureka

The most commonly used services on Heureka.cz are Customer Verified and Heureka Cart.

Each e-shop will, however, have to modify the wording of its terms and conditions in the Verified by Customers section. This placement will be actively monitored by Heureka for GDPR compliance.

The retailer is obliged to inform customers about the transfer of their data to Heureka as a personal data processor. This is conveniently done in the privacy document with a simple informative text, the text of which can be found here. This text is also included in the Terms and Conditions of the Verified by Customers programme, article 3.5.

Another requirement is to allow customers to opt-out of commercial communications including Customer Verified questionnaires. The ideal solution is an unchecked checkbox at the end of the order with the text: 'I do not agree to receive a satisfaction survey as part of the Verified by Customers programme to help improve your service. This is an opt-out option.

As far as Heureka Basket is concerned, the texts in the Terms and Conditions of Heureka will be clarified to comply with the GDPR.

In this context, Heureka is preparing a new version of the Privacy Policy document on the Heureka.cz portal, as well as new versions of the Terms and Conditions of all services that it will send to its clients. The new version can be found on the Heureka blog.

What impact will GDPR have on Zboží.cz

The Zboží.cz portal is preparing changes mainly in the area of external evaluation of e-shops. If you want to invite your customers to rate your e-shop on Zboží.cz, you will need to get their consent to process their personal data for the purpose of collecting ratings.

"We recommend grading the information into three levels: a simple sentence right next to the box, which you then expand into (still human-readable) detail in a bubble when you hover. It's better to refer to the detailed and already legally written terms at the end," the portal's representatives write on their blog.

According to the General Data Protection Regulation, every customer has the right to withdraw their consent at any time. This information will be forwarded to Zboží.cz via the administration.

Don't you know what to do?

If you have an e-shop connected to Heureka or Zboží.cz and you have encountered any obstacles in their use in relation to GDPR, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will help you.