Electronic textbook

Another area of our interest is the development of customized electronic textbooks according to the requirements of the client (school). The purpose of the electronic textbook is to educate primary school pupils and secondary school students in an interactive way and to create a central database of teaching materials, providing services related to the operation of textbooks, providing a comprehensive database of teaching materials, data conversion and teacher training, and building an off-line version with a database of teaching materials on the principle of scanning QR codes. The textbook is fully interactive and respects the current teaching methods, especially the framework and school curricula and syllabuses. The electronic textbook allows each administrator to define the exact structure of the textbook and the subsequent teaching. Each content is subject to the approval procedure of the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic.

Each textbook we create is subject to client specification and meets their user interface requirements. The interface uses procedures - specific and common, for the platforms on which the solution is operated. The electronic textbook is platform independent and allows users to work on tablets and web browsers. The user can get by with a web browser. In online mode, we use commonly available web browsers such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla and Safari. The textbook also works on mobile devices on Android and iOS platforms, Windows mobile and Blackberry, according to the client's requirements.The textbook can also be used in offline mode and can also include the implementation of a QR code system to retrieve information directly from a QR code stuck on the machine (when teaching technical subjects).The electronic textbook is therefore available both in online web form and in the form of an application that can be downloaded directly to the user's mobile device.

Current use

The electronic textbook has been created, for example, for teaching in 32 secondary schools in the Olomouc region, for teaching technical and science subjects (preview of the textbook here). In a different version and based on other client's requirements, we have customized an electronic textbook for 5 private schools under the banner of Safety and Legal Akdemie.

The textbook can be created for any interactive learning environment with any focus and for both primary and secondary schools.