CRa IoT Hackathon Brno 2016

Czeché Radiokomunikace held an IoT Hackathon on November 11, 2016. The event took place at Impact Hub Brno. The Hackathon in Brno was also attended by Railsformers. Currently, we are focusing on IoT technologies, which have become a priority for us.

How does the Hackathon in Brno probíhal?

The IoT Hackathon focused on presentations of nápads and buildání of the mostá&scaron& í prototype of a sensor/sensor thaté will communicate viaám with LoRa (Internet of Things) and will be able to transmit useful data and use it for specific needs.

After the assessment of theý projects and the announcement of theý &scaroní iný follow-up of theý presentations of CRa and the partners of the competition on theý LoRa and the currentý situation in the field of IoT, theý interests iný theý development andý use of sensors and newý projects in IoT.

The Hackathon was a great success for our company and we took away a lot of interesting insights and information. We can look forward to the next Hackathon on November 25 in Prague!