1st Czech IoT Summer Jam 2016

Today, during the Prague IoT Hackathon, the Czech IoT Summer Jam competition was announced. Tým výsoldiers from Railsformers s.r.o. took 2nd place! The event was organized by the company České Radiokomunikace (ČRA) together with all its partners.


Czech IoT Summer Jam

The competition probíhala from June 14 to November 15, 2016 and is open to individuals and companies in the úcountryí Czeché Republic. The aim of the competition was to create a prototype of an application that will process data from sensors and transmit it using LoRa technology. The sensors have been placed on capturedýmýsts so that processingáný of their data can yieldést usefulé and practically applicableé results. The use of the data and the form of its processing was up to the participants of the competition, there were no limits to imagination.


Howé did the prototype app have to meet the conditionsí?

  • the app had to be able to processávat sensor data transmittedáeným usingásáte LoRa

  • sensors were umísted by the competition organizer, úcí had the opportunity to design the capímavá místs where the sensors could be added during the competition

  • in theýarmy of probíhalls under theýGNU/GPL license, i.e. under openýsourceýkódem

The participants used the competition to exercise their creativity, ideas and technical skills.


How probíhalo evaluateí competitions?

The application was evaluated by an expert jury consisting of students from Czech universities, Czech Radiocommunication and editors of technical periodicals. Not only the pad itself was evaluated, but also the technical application.