12 simple steps to comply with GDPR
GDPR has been in the subconscious of most companies in the Czech Republic. Most of them are aware of the newéáá&order on the protection of personalá&data and are aware that there will be bigýá changes.
The EU regulation will not only affect companies that deal with the personal data of EU citizens. They will require new processes and more protection for this sensitive data.
This událostává has attracted a lot of attention inšechúparts. Firstly, because of the highý fines for non-compliance with the GDPR in theirý companies and for someé because of the quite harshé time toé prepare themselves.
GDPR beginsááá on May 25, 2018 and in the article you will find 12 steps to avoidáá fines and calmlyá the newáá EU regulation.
How to proceed with the implementation of the GDPR?
All over Europe, prá and IT departments´ are preparing appropriate internalá regulations for theirá organizations. Individuals will need to ensure that they translate the newá regulations into practice in theirá day-to-dayá work.
Now, ask yourself theá questioná how do yourá employees actually looká atá theá organization to protect sensitiveý data and how do they even handle it?"
Well-designed infographics from Kaspersky Lab can help iným, where the entireýGDPRýprocessýis&explained inýsteps.